IFCA Slalom foil worldchampionship st. Peter-Ording 2024


11 juli 2024


14 juni 2024
Discipline: Slalom (Foil)
Organisator: IFCA
Skippersmeeting: 09:00 uur
Inschrijfgeld leden: € 200,-
Inschrijfgeld niet leden: € 200,-

From July 11th to 14th the IFCA Slalom Foil World Championship 2024 will take place in St. Peter-Ording. The foil slalom elite will travel to the North Sea to fight for the official IFCA Foil Slalom World title. The event has a total prize money of 20.000 Euro. As part of the California Windsurf Cup series the event doesn’t only offer a challenging regatta but also a huge event stands, catering program and party’s in the evening.

Photos and information and NOR: https://www.ifcaclass.com/events/st-peter-ording-germany-to-host-the-2024-ifca-foil-worlds/